Stoop Hang



Partying Like It Was 1999

It’s a ridiculous battlefield to die on. Mice don’t deliberately provoke cats. Wildebeest don’t play chicken with packs of hungry Serengeti lions. That would be


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Gaslighting 101

Yesterday, Trump and Pence faced a “60 Minutes” interview with Lesley Stahl which has been a pre-election tradition since CBS launched its show in 1968.


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Wagging the Dog

Yesterday, John Ratcliffe, Trump’s director of national intelligence — a Republican political hack with zero professional credentials in either intelligence or national security except for


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The Politics of Disease

It seems simple enough. Sure, SARS-CoV-2 is a very complex virus that confounds the experts. Medical forensics finds surprising new nightmares with the disease every


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Never Forget

Two months before the election,Trump and his campaign cabal are desperately trying to change the national dialogue away from the worst and most deadly threat


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World’s Worst Employee Review

INT. THE BOSS’ OFFICE An EMPLOYEE REVIEW is in progress THE BOSS “Steve, over the past four years you’ve consistently ignored departmental best-practices, failed to


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