Stoop Hang



The Herd Immunity Paradox

There’s a built-in fallacy to herd immunity that shows the difference between a mathematical model where there’s an assumption of even distribution and the practical


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Over Ain’t Over

Yogi Berra had it right. Those who believe that this global nightmare is over are overwhelmingly the reason why it’s not, nor will it be


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Fully Vaccinated, Now What?

Today was a momentous one in my personal Fasti Antiates Maiores. It’s the day I am, according to the CDC, officially vaccinated against COVID-19 and


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Vaccine Passport

With vaccine harder to find in NYC than a  good hush puppy, New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo spiked the ball by reporting that as many


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The Vaccine Rollout

In mid-December Pfizer’s Coronavirus vaccine began getting shot into the arms of New York City residents. The Moderna vaccine, which was actually developed over a


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Partying Like It Was 1999

It’s a ridiculous battlefield to die on. Mice don’t deliberately provoke cats. Wildebeest don’t play chicken with packs of hungry Serengeti lions. That would be


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