

Man-Baby’s Meltdown

I’ve not posted anything since Trump’s regrettable inauguration. There are a couple of reasons for that. One is, of course, that like 50.2% of the…

“A republic… if you can keep it!”

Watching Trump nominate so many gutless twits and assholes as defective as himself to his cabinet must have been like watching Nero as Rome burned.…

The Greatest Rock Trio You Never Heard Of

That is unless you’re under 30, in which case you might be familiar with them.  A month ago, I wasn’t. That was when I was…

Is Stoop Dog a Closet Metalhead?

Not really. Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple and Metallica are the deepest dives I’ve made into heavy metal. I own no Maiden, Sabbath, Priest or Crüe.…

Rebar Rethinking

Stoophang introduces a new article category today, construction. Given that my other blog, Brooklyn Row House, is mostly about construction it was overdue here. On…

The Disappearing Brooklyn Stoop

Brownstoner posted a terrific, in-depth article about something topically relevant to this site. But it’s also something that I’ve noticed all over NYC since the early…

A PSA PSA — Men Over 50 Should Read!

What do these guys have in common? Telly Savalas Frank Zappa Francois Mitterrand Johnny Ramone Timothy Leary Merv Griffin … and about 30,000 lesser-known people…

The Herd Immunity Paradox

There’s a built-in fallacy to herd immunity that shows the difference between a mathematical model where there’s an assumption of even distribution and the practical…
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