I’ve not posted anything since Trump’s regrettable inauguration. There are a couple of reasons for that.
One is, of course, that like 50.2% of the voters I’m still in shock over the stupidity and lack of judgement and morality of my “fellow Americans” for re-electing a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist and a man so manifestly corrupt that he owes a half billion dollars in fines for a variety of sleazy violations of the law — all just since he was kicked out of office in 2021… a dirtbag who already proved what a disaster he was as president the last time. Contrary to his reverso-world gaslighting and the shrink-wrapped lies of his coven, by the cold numbers alone Trump is the worst US president in at least a hundred years. Yet only one month into office he seems determined to excavate a sub-basement under that dismal record.
Fair disclosure, I also have contempt for the Democrats who voted for Biden in 2020 but who failed to turn out for Kamala in 2024. To those voters I say, go fuck yourselves. You’re as much responsible for what we’ve got now as the misanthropes and FoxNews drones who eagerly voted for him.
The other reason is because Trump is following a conscious plan to overwhelm the media with his assholery. As his equally contemptible cabal member, Steve Bannon, has admitted, the secret to getting Trump’s toxic agenda passed is “muzzle velocity”. Throw so much shit on the wall in such rapid succession that one can’t focus on any one of the outrages.
But Trump’s and JD Vance’s infantile meltdowns and staged ambush of Zelenskyy this week was a bridge too far. I’m back, baby!
The White House meeting was a travesty and a national embarrassment.
Vance was obviously set up to be the attack chihuahua with his outrageous QAnon-sourced allegation that Ukraine is forcing conscripts to fight for it. Oh, really, JD? It’s called “the draft”, you Maybelline moron. Many democratic countries like Israel, Sweden and Switzerland have it. We had it until 1973. Your cheeto jesus evaded his own call to duty with a “Trumped up” medical condition.
Zelenskyy’s not the POS who’s forcing prisoners to fight on the front lines in Ukraine, some without training or even weapons, or bribing citizens of satellite republics and even Syrians with promises of full Russian citizenship. And aren’t those North Korean uniforms on the bodies of some of Putin’s troops killed over the past couple of months? Do you think they were patriotically motivated to fight for Mother Russia?
The meeting was an obvious set up by Trump to show his “George Hamilton does Gordon Gecko” tough guy act and he wanted his FoxNews and Moscow TV buddies there to record it for the MAGA window lickers and for Daddy Vladdy to run in a loop on Russia television back home to show it’s own propaganda media pinheads how America supports his goals in Ukraine.
But it was disgusting on another level. In one corner was Zelenskyy, a man patriotically defending his country from an illegal invasion by a military superpower many times stronger than Ukraine’s and doing a far better job of it than anyone could have expected. The man is a fucking hero to his people and for all who fight against tyranny and injustice. He was there by himself speaking in a non-native language to try to mend fences broken by airheaded MAGA vandals. Three years ago, there was no question, even by lemming Republicans, that Putin illegally invaded Ukraine and that we must help Ukraine defend itself. Then Trump returned to the White House with fresh Kool Aid.
In the other corner is a draft-dodging coward, poser and idiot-of-history; a man so corrupt that his personal brand should be on the Seven Deadly Sins. He’s never had to fight for anything more important to him than the VIP table at Club Moomba and to get his name in the Forbes 400; a man clearly deep in the pocket of the ghoul who started this war. And then he demanded deference from Zelenskyy when he’s not worth the sweat on the latter’s ass. Trump didn’t even have the balls to meet Zelenskyy one on one on neutral turf, an accordance that Trump even offered the fucking Taliban. Trump had to do it in the White House with his Maybelline terrier and a media circus of sycophants to perform for. It was a 20+ on one ambush.
“Why don’t you wear a suit? Don’t you own a suit?“, asked a cluelessly condescending numbnutz, Brian Glenn from the ultra right Real America’s Voice. That’s a policy question?? Dood, where were you a few days ago when Musk was prancing around the Oval Office in a tee shirt and baseball cap dragging a four-year old with him? Asswipe.
I sat there watching the screen, sending psychic messages to Zelenskyy. “Punch that craven motherfckr in the face! Do it!” because I knew that video would be playing on Russian TV in an hour with the subtext that America supports Putin.
Zelenskyy’s peace terms are simple and clear. Russia: take your soldiers and what’s left of your military, leave Ukraine and promise not to violate its sovereignty again. But no, Trump demands that Zelenskyy reward Putin’s aggression which has led to the deaths and injury of a half million people by surrendering large areas of eastern Ukraine to him with no assurance whatsoever that Putin won’t pull this same shit again in a few years, just as he did after Crimea.
I know. Trump’s back, Congress is a bunch of jellyfish willing to rubber stamp any turd Trump drops on the deck, the Supreme Court has become a joke. It’s hard not to feel helpless. The only solace I find in all of it is that some of his grassroots supporters are slowly coming to the realization that Trump doesn’t give a shit about any of them either. Trumpers whose federal jobs were axed are crying, “Why me??” Republican town halls are turning into riots. Wait till they see gas prices when the weather warms up and Canada shifts its favored-nation oil and gas sales to the Pacific Rim and the EU. And American farmers try to sell their crops. It’s already happening as egg prices continue to rise along with the inflation rate.
Meanwhile, the EU and Canada are planning on a world without the US as a political, military or economic partner. Trump’s managed to destroy 75 years of international alliances in only a month. What’s up next month?