
“They’re eating the cats! They’re eating the dogs!”

Spineless MAGA Republicans are promoting this ridiculous, evidence-free lie because they always defer to the driver of the GOP clown car, Donald Trump. When JD Vance brought this laughably inane “daughter-of-my-neighbor’s-friend” story to Trump he must have seen it as a media life preserver. It doesn’t matter that literally every official from the Trump-loving city of Springfield, Ohio has denied the story and called it insanely false.

trump debate: German foreign ministry to Trump: 'We don't eat cats and dogs' - The Economic TimesTrump jumped all over it because he needed something to bury the growing stories in even the “conservative” media that he had been overtaken and even passed by Harris in the polls in critical battleground states. It also served his twisted media-hungry ego as it always has by making him the centerpiece of the latest news cycle again. It doesn’t matter if it the story is once again about his dangerously unhinged and pathological behavior. It’s about HIM, not somebody else! HE’s in the spotlight. HE has the mic. That’s all that matters.

Trump of course doesn’t want the 2024 election to be about his dismally failed record as president, or that he’s a convicted felon, or his traitorous act of organizing a violent insurrection against the government, or his desperate attempt to rob voters of their overwhelming choice to fire the SOB in 2020, or the hundreds of thousands of innocent Americans who died due in large part to his absolute apathy towards a deadly pandemic disease, or about stealing scores of classified Top Secret government documents, or about his four criminal trials and 91 felony indictments, or his being adjudicated a rapist, or the nearly half billion dollars in fines he’s collected for fraud and dishonesty just in the past year, or his being an obsequious piss boy for Vladimir Putin, or even burying his first ex-wife in the weeds on his golf course for a tax break. Just the last one would have killed the campaign of any other presidential candidate and it’s a nerf ball by comparison to the others.

He certainly doesn’t want it to be media stories featuring his quickly disintegrating compos mentis, like his Arizona rally on Thursday where he addressed the crowd thinking that he was talking to Pennsylvania voters.

Trump wants this election to be about ugliness — about race, fear and his bottomless abyss of lies. It’s worked to rile up GOP dog packs since he joined the Birthers and unleashed his vile, knuckle-dragging bigotry on Obama’s qualification to be president in 2008. It leverages Republican tendency to be adherents to group-speak and not independent critical thinking. Politics for most Republicans is a team sport. Or, better, a religion. They need to belong and to put their faith and trust in an authoritarian father figure who will tell them what to think.

Ask Liz Cheney, who once had the most conservative voting record in Congress, what happens when you buck the team. Or ask her father, Darth Cheney.

Immigrants” is just a Trump code word for People Of Color, especially Latinos (Mexicans) and African-Americans (Haitians). Since his record-setting train wreck performance in the 2024 debate against Harris he knows more than ever that he can’t beat her on the issues so he’s falling back on his old racist playbook, the one he’s used since the Central Park Five case to induce rage in the weak and aggrieved. He wants to stir up racial resentment in the squishy minds of right-leaning Independents and fence-sitting Republicans for Kamala Harris’ non-white race and to fan the flames of fear that Harris will let the boogey people eat your transgender house cat.


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